Ablenet Play & Learn A Motor-Based Preschool Curriculum for Children of All Abilities Reviews
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Play & Learn: A motor-based preschool curriculum for children of All Abilities By Mary J. Sullivan Coleman, OTR, MA and Laura Krueger, PT, MA A 12-month motor-based preschool curriculum specifically developed for children of All abilities! So EASY for educators, para professionals and other classroom staff to understand and set up. The spiral bound book is packed with more than 300 pages of theme-based activities that are highly engaging, and relevant to young children. Each activity includes a "Try Another Way" option that utilizes simple assistive technology so all students can participate, communicate and learn. Meaningful activities focus on basic routines, music, play, and social interaction with lots of repetition. What's more, every activity includes easy-to-follow instructions and a handy "What you'll need" list. With more than 260 activities at your fingertips, you'll save time as you discover new ways to incorporate assistive technology into your entire classroom. What is Play & Learn? Play & Learn is a motor-based preschool curriculum for children of ALL abilities based on current research that emphasizes a holistic model in which the child, environment and the functional tasks are integrated not isolated. It is also an excellent example of universal design in action! The model for universal design supports an environment where ALL children are included in the same activities within the classroom. Play & Learn shows how to embed adaptations and simple assistive technology into the classroom so all children can be full participants in their educational environment. Play & Learn is a proven 12-month, theme-based curriculum that includes step by step instruction and is full of over 260 activities that promote the development of the whole child. Each activity includes a "Try Another Way" option that utilizes simple technology so that all students can playfully participate, communicate and learn with each other. If you are interested in l
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Aug 10, 2011 08:32:04